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Deadpool Pitch Meeting

Creator: Screen Rant    Category: Entertainment    Added: 03 Apr 2021

After the disaster that was X-Men Origins Wolverine, how did Fox decide to give Deadpool another shot on the big screen? Step inside the pitch meeting that started it all! We promise it's

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We'll soon be seeing Cable, Domino and a whole lot of other awesome Marvel & X-Men characters in the upcoming Deadpool 2-- and that's all thanks to the success of the first movie. Learn how they decided to give Ryan Reynolds a second chance as Wade Wilson, the idea behind the fourth wall breaks, all the innappropriate R-Rated moments and the paper-thin storyline with Ajax and Angel!

Let us know in the comment section what other movies we should make pitch meetings for!

Check out these other Pitch Meeting videos!

Black Panther - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0MvS_NehZU

Wonder Woman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrAT_ncXr7M

Video by Ryan George @TheRyanGeorge

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