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Blasphemous Review | Blasphemous Is A Sinfully Enjoyable Metroidvania

Creator: Rock Paper Shotgun    Category: Gaming    Added: 13 Sep 2019
Matthew’s Blasphemous review verdict? It’s a sinfully enjoyable Metroidvania. A trip into a deeply sinister world full of nightmare bosses and fiendishly well-hidden collectibles. If you like Castlevania, but wish it had more gore and giant evil babies, this Blasphemous gameplay might win you over. This is the Rock Paper Shotgun video channel’s Blasphemous review - a Blasphemous PC review if you want to be picky. The main site has yet to offer its Blasphemous impressions, so we thought we’d share some here with you. And it’s good news: this is a brilliant throwback to 16-bit adventures, that maintains the simplicity and charm of something like Super Castlevania 4, but stitches it into the free-flowing world you’ve come to expect from the modern Metroidvania genre. Is it the best Metroidvania 2019? It’s a tough call between this and Bloodstained - Blasphemous is a slightly simpler game, but it ticks many of our Metroid-y boxes. In this Blasphemous PC gameplay we talk about exploration, the world design, the bosses and the combat - including the slightly weedy attempt to add a Dark Souls-style punishment system. Blasphemous bosses have to be seen to be believed, but they’re as fun to fight as they are horrible to behold. This is recorded on PC, but you can also play Blasphemous Switch and PS4 - we’ve not seen the latter, but the former looked very swish. Almost perverse to stick something this grim into the same place where Mario lives, mind. It’ll also fill up a decent amount of time - Blasphemous length runs from 15 to 20 hours, depending on how dedicated you are to uncovering its secrets and collectibles. I hope you enjoy this Blasphemous review. If you have any questions not answered by the video, pop them in the comments. Want to know which boss killed Matthew the most? Maybe you just want to know how long is Blasphemous? Well, that’s answered above. And iof you enjoy our PC game reviews, why not watch more. Here are some picks from recent months: Gears 5 review: https://youtu.be/BJ_Qjpxf2Hg Control review: https://youtu.be/j17vXoDRY1U Rebel Galaxy Outlaw review: https://youtu.be/ZXo6CTWVFI8 Wolfenstein Youngblood review: https://youtu.be/IoW3PFt1nTM The SInking City review: https://youtu.be/u3p3Csed0Ow Octopath Traveler review: https://youtu.be/oiD4UsPjJIs Outer Wilds review: https://youtu.be/4kYtnjmpPg4 Forza Horizon 4: https://youtu.be/6JVXpWF9-YU And if you did enjoy this video, please give it a like and think about subscribing to Rock Paper Shotgun. We’ve got lots of good PC fun for you. #BlasphemousReview #Blasphemous #BlasphemousGame

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